• 2000MJ Touch screen 1000w Q switched nd yag laser beauty machine tattoo removal Scar Acne removal 1320nm 1064nm 532nm
  • 2000MJ Touch screen 1000w Q switched nd yag laser beauty machine tattoo removal Scar Acne removal 1320nm 1064nm 532nm
  • 2000MJ Touch screen 1000w Q switched nd yag laser beauty machine tattoo removal Scar Acne removal 1320nm 1064nm 532nm
  • 2000MJ Touch screen 1000w Q switched nd yag laser beauty machine tattoo removal Scar Acne removal 1320nm 1064nm 532nm
  • 2000MJ Touch screen 1000w Q switched nd yag laser beauty machine tattoo removal Scar Acne removal 1320nm 1064nm 532nm

2000MJ Touch screen 1000w Q switched nd yag laser beauty machine tattoo removal Scar Acne removal 1320nm 1064nm 532nm

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Product name: 2000MJ Touch screen 1000w Q switched nd yag laser beauty machine tattoo removal Scar Acne removal 1320nm 1064nm 532nm


The system gem-adjusting Q switch can effectively curethe mixed pigments by pigment precipitation of extraneous source withpathological pigment change of endogenous source, inclusive of erroneous darkeyebrow-embroidery, lip-embroidery, lip-soak, eye line-embroidery, lip-line,tattoo (inclusive of tattoo by extraneous wounds), pigment precipitation bysensitive source, freckle on female\'s face (male\'s), coffee spot, old agespot, black mole, and birthmark in black, blue, purple, brown, red and etc.Treatment course for different illness case as follows:

Treatments Treatment course required ( cure times) Treatment course interval Remark (requirements in surgery)
eyebrow-embroidery(eyeliner grain) 1 –2 times 30-60 days Eyebrow blow, eyeball protection
Eyebrow-embroidery ( eyeliner embroidery) 1-3 times 45-60 days Eyebrow blow,  eyeball protection
Lip line (red dyed lip) 1-3 times 15-45 days Use 532nm filter
Tattoo(caused by extraneous wounds) 1-4 times 30-60 days Blood infiltration will be fine on wounds
Freckle, age spot 1-4 times 15-30 days Blood infiltration will be fine on wounds
Birthmark, nevus/mole 3-7 times 45-90 days Must  have  Blood infiltration .

(1)Treatmentfor tattoo in eyebrow

Customer could not open eyes during treatment, operator should adjust energyaccording to depth of tattoo color, hold the handle and move it to treatmentarea slowly to make customer feel acceptable in mentally. Right now, the speedof flash could be set 3HZ, keep head of the handle a two-finger distance totreatment area, start treatment from head of eyebrow to end of eyebrow. It isneeded to treat again in 5-10 minutes if the color of tattoo re-appear.

(2)Remove eye line

The speed of flashes could be set 4-5HZ,adjust the energy of light to minimumenergy, keep a one-finger distance between head of handle and treatment area.Operator should strictly protect customers` eyes with panel for eyelid ormedical pledget (panel for eyelid)of 25px depth.

Treatment should be started from down eye line, customer should deeply closeeyes and keep eyeball up-sight inside. Operator should press the pledget (panelfor eyelid) with forefinger and push up eyelid, peel down eyelid with middlefinger to bare the eye line, treat it with flashes of 4-5Hz. Then, treat up eyeline. Also customer should close eyes and keep eyeball down-sight inside.Operator should press the pledget (panel for eyelid) with middle finger andpush eyelid down, push eyelid up with forefinger to bare the eye line, treat itwith flashes of 4-5Hz.

(3)Remove lip line

The speed of flashes could be set 5Hz,keep a 3/4 finger distance between headof handle and treatment area. It is better to remove black, coffee, deep, redand brown lip line with 1064nm head at first time and then, treat again with532 nm head.

Notice: All tattoos in lip should be treated in 6 months after making. ORremoval treatment will fail. It should have 45-60 days interval to continuenext treatment until remove all.

(4)Remove tattoo

The speed of flashes could be set 3Hz/5Hz.It is better to use high energy fortreatment until treatment area seeps a little blood. It should have 45-90 daysinterval to continue next treatment until remove all.

(5)Remove spot and nevus

The speed of flashes could be set 3Hz/5Hz.Keep 3-4 fingers distance betweenhead of handle and treatment area. It is better to use high energy fortreatment until treatment area seeps a little blood. It is advised to use 1064nm head for normal spot and nevus treatment, but for deep color spot and nevus,it is better to use 532nm head for treatment. It should have a 15-30daysinterval to continue next treatment until remove all.

(6)Remove birthmark

The speed of flashes could be set 3Hz/5Hz.It is better to use high energy fortreatment until treatment area seeps a little blood. It is advised to use1064nm head for birthmark treatment, but for red and deep color birthmark, itis better to use 532nm head for treatment. It should have 45-90 days intervalto continue

Laser type: Sapphire Q-Switch / YAG Laser

Wave length: wavelength 1064nm & 532nm &1320nm

Width of pulse: 3.5-10ns

Spots Size: 1-7mm

Pulse energy: max 2000mj

Pulse rate: 1-10Hz

Net weight: 20kg

Voltage: 220V / 110V / 12A 50Hz(60Hz)

Cooling system: Wind + water 

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